Hey everyone! Did you know Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net loves podcasts? Here's a list of podcasts that feature GhostQuest.net on their show!
Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net featured on Project Dark Corona Podcast
Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net joins David and Jason from the Project Dark Corona Podcast for an epic, three hour conversation about ghosts and all things spooky!! First off, David and Jason discuss a recent news article which hypothesizes the entire universe is one giant, neural network. What does that mean? We don't know, but I'd love to hear what you think in the comments below! Next I share some stories about one of my favorite cryptids; The Wendigo, and the story of Swift Runner and Jack Fiddler. Then we talk about whether paranormal activity is increasing due to the COVID lockdown, and about some of the Haunted Locations I've Written About on my website and in my books. We also discuss some other interesting subjects, like can ghosts invade your dreams, and how does the Necrophonics app hold up compared to other paranormal investigation devices, like the Spirit Box? Plus, get some juicy gossip about why GhostQuest.net no longer hosts the paranormal link exchange. After that we take a guest call from a listener from Florida to discuss acoustic frequencies and their relation to the paranormal, and does acoustic energy play into the Stone Tape Theory? Do words have the power to shape our environment? Then, David and Jason ask me to share some stories from my research, and I answer a pressing question: "What's a Bunghole?" I also read a few spooky stories from my newest book, The Folklore & Haunted Locations Guide: Michigan - the legend of Hell's Bridge, The Ada Witch, and the story of America's deadliest school massacre, which most people still haven't heard of. It's one of the saddest and most disturbing stories I've ever written about. Then we have a discussion about one of America's most iconic haunted locations: Waverly Hills Sanatorium, which I've written about extensively Here. We go through everything from the history, to the medical treatment, to the hauntings, and more!! We also talk about Near Death Experiences, the origins of Friday The 13th, fairy folklore, commonalities in certain types of folklore archetypes, and tons of other interesting stuff. You won't want to miss this epic, three hour long episode!!!
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Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net featured on Shea's Paranormal Chat
Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net joins Shea and cohost Chris Brown from Shea's Paranormal Chat to chat about all things spooky!! First, find out how I got into the paranormal, and what inspired me to create GhostQuest.net. We also go over my process of how I verify and research some of the stories I write about, and talk about my very first paranormal investigation at the notoriously haunted Wilson Castle in Proctor, Vermont. We go over some of the weird, creepy experiences we all shared while spending the night at Wilson Castle, as well as my rationalizations of some of the phenomena, and how it affected me as a skeptic. Then I tell a weird story about a haunted house from when I was a kid that I still can't explain. Next, some of our listeners get to ask us questions, and we talk about some metaphysics and paranormal science, psychic mediumship, the connection between psychedelic mushrooms and the supernatural, and some other weird, spooky stuff. Then, I talk about my favorite Aldous Huxley quote, from The Doors Of Perception. Yes, Aldous Huxley who wrote Brave New World also wrote a book about psychedelics, and the nature of reality. Plus, ever wondered what the difference is between a nerd and a geek? You'll have to tune in to find out the answer!!
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Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net featured on Just Chat With Bri
Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net joins Bri from the Just Chat With Bri podcast to chat about ghosts, UFO's, and all things spooky! Plus hear some great music featuring some fantastic indie artists, and learn about my new books, The Folklore & Haunted Locations Guide: Massachusetts, The Folklore & Haunted Locations Guide: Michigan, and The Folklore & Haunted Locations Guide: New York, as well as my future plans for GhostQuest.net!!
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Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net featured on Misfits & Mysteries Podcast
Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net joins Emmy and Steve from the Misfits & Mysteries Podcast to talk about ghosts, aliens, UFO's, and Flat Earth conspiracies!! Plus, Steve reads some hilarious Amazon reviews for Haribo Gummy Bears, and more in this hilarious (but still spooky and interesting) episode of Misfits & Mysteries!
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Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net featured as cohost on the Revelator Tuesday Show
Join Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net and Kyle from the Chaos & Shadow Podcast for Episode 4 of the Revelator Tuesday Show!! In this episode we discuss a recent Mothman sighting in Illinois, as well as some strange sonar images captured in Loch Ness.
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Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net featured as cohost on the Revelator Tuesday Show
Join Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net and Kyle from the Chaos & Shadow Podcast for Episode 3 of the Revelator Tuesday Show!! In this episode we start off talking about the recent Ghost Adventures investigation of the Joe Exotic Zoo from the critically acclaimed Netflix docuseries, Tiger King (2020). Then we discuss some more paranormal tourism news with one of Britain's most haunted locations, the Newsham Park Hospital in Liverpool, which recently opened its doors to ghost hunters and tourists. Then in our last hour we find an article about a crying, haunted doll. Join us as we try to debunk this strange phenomenon!!
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Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net featured as cohost on the Revelator Tuesday Show
Join Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net and Kyle from the Chaos & Shadow Podcast for Episode 2 of the Revelator Tuesday Show!! In this episode we start off talking about a number of pilots around Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) who report encountering a mysterious "jetpack man." Then we talk about a Rhode Island couple who buys the house from the 2013 horror film, The Conjuring. After setting up 24-hour surveillance cameras at the house, the couple confirms that it is, in fact, still haunted. In our final hour, we discuss whether or not our viewers have noticed an increase in paranormal activity since beginning quarantine, as well as possible reasons why many people are reporting an increase in ghostly happenings.
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Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net featured as cohost on the Revelator Tuesday Show
Join Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net and Kyle from the Chaos & Shadow Podcast for Episode 1 of the Revelator Tuesday Show!! In this episode we start up by talking about a new Mothman documentary called The Mothman Legacy (2020), which picks up after the Point Pleasant incident where the story most of us are familiar with left off. We also do a brief recap of last week's show talking about UFO disclosure, and then discuss an article where scientists now agree there's a 50% chance we live in a simulation. In our final hour we talk about another article where people claim to see the ghost of a young child in the Netflix documentary film, American Murderer. Do we live in The Matrix (1999)? How many universes are there? Are aliens real? Are we even real?
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Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net featured on Chaos & Shadow Podcast
Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net joins Kyle & Pagan from the Chaos & Shadow Podcast to discuss ghost stories, and all things weird!! Find out about how GhostQuest.net got started, my new book series, and my other plans for the future of my website. We talk about some Haunted Places in Massachusetts, like the Lizzie Borden House, the Salem Witch Trials, and The Bridgewater Triangle. Find out more about how I do my research, what sources I use, and how much effort truly goes into my writing. Plus, we talk about finding a healthy balance between open-mindedness and skepticism in the paranormal field. Then we talk about the alleged Haunting Of Disney World, and discuss what happens if you accidentally swallow a dead person's ashes when they're scattered at Disney World. I also talk about my recent investigation of the infamously haunted Wilson Castle in Proctor, Vermont, and whether ghosts can be racist. Spoiler alert: they can be! Lastly, I discuss some of my personal views on paganism and spirituality, and some of my own unique practices.
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Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net featured on Misfits & Mysteries Podcast
Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net joins Steve and Emmy from the Misfits & Mysteries Podcast to talk about animal ghosts, aliens, cryptids, and all things spooky!! Plus find out about what Steve would do if he was trapped in a dog's body, and also learn about the Virginia senator who loves Bigfoot erotica. That's right, a live example of Internet Rule Number 34 presented in this awesome, hilarious episode of the Misfits & Mysteries Podcast!
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Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net featured on Shea's Paranormal Chat
Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net joins Shea from the Shea's Paranormal Chat Podcast to talk about our first ever paranormal investigation at the notorious Wilson Castle in Vermont, as well as some other spooky stuff!! Our Investigation of Wilson Castle was truly one of the most interesting experiences I've ever had, and we talk in depth about our experiences there during this epic, 90-minute interview. Throughout the show we also answer questions asked by users in chat, like.. what was your favorite piece of ghost hunting equipment? What's your greatest paranormal fear? Do you think it's safe for pregnant women to go ghost hunting? We also talk about the Amityville Horror House, and the role of psychedelic drugs like DMT in shamanism and paranormal investigation.
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Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net featured on Project Dark Corona Podcast
Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net joins David and Jason from the Project Dark Corona Podcast to discuss the origins of GhostQuest.net, my mission, my new book, The Folklore & Haunted Locations Guide: New York, and all other things spooky!! Find out how GhostQuest.net got started, and hear me read some spooky ghost stories from my upcoming books that haven't been heard yet!! Brian and the guys start off talking about some Hawaiian ghost stories and folklore, and the famous case of Robert The Doll. Then we discuss some prominent archetypes in folklore, like the Woman In White, and what those stories say about our culture. David and Jason ask Brian to share some of his most disturbing ghost stories... and Brian delivers! Prepare to be thoroughly spooked by these true folklore tales, and learn about some of the most tragic Haunted Locations In The United States, like the 9/11 Memorial in New York City, the Columbine school massacre site, and the location of the Hindenburg Blimp Disaster. We also discuss a ton of other fascinating topics, like residual hauntings, near death experiences, string theory, and the role of psychedelic chemicals in the human brain. Then at the end of the podcast, Brian confesses his undying love and affection for his amazing followers, fans and supporters... try not to cry! You don't want to miss this epic, 3-hour long discussion!!
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Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net featured on Journey Through The Gate Paranormal Podcast
Brian Weaver from GhostQuest.net joins paranormal podcasters Sysco Murdoch and Steve Stockton on Journey Through The Gate Paranormal Podcast to talk about GhostQuest.net, the origins of my website, and my upcoming book, The Folklore & Haunted Locations Guide: Massachusetts (Available Now!). Then we spend some time talking about some of the haunted locations from my book, including The Lizzie Borden House, The Screeching Lady of Lovis Cove, and The Bridgewater Triangle. Plus we discuss Paranormal Tourism, the dark origins of kids songs, psychic detectives, crisis apparitions, and lots of other interesting subjects! Then in Part 2, Steve tells us his story about the time he had an encounter with the black eyed children. We also discuss some Native American legends, and I tell my own creepy story about my visit to The Plague House!
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