Folklore & Haunted Locations Guide:
Magna, Utah
Settled: 1868
Population: 26,949 (2019)
County: Salt Lake County
Haunted Locations Documented: 2
Haunted Locations Indexed: 3
Population: 26,949 (2019)
County: Salt Lake County
Haunted Locations Documented: 2
Haunted Locations Indexed: 3
The following is a list of allegedly haunted locations in Magna, Utah. To view my full list of ghost stories and haunted locations in Utah, Click Here. Please also read this SAFETY AND LEGAL DISCLAIMER before visiting any allegedly haunted location.
Cyprus High School
Location Address: Magna, Utah
Cypus High School in Magna, Utah was constructed in 1918. The school's auditorium is said to be haunted by the ghost of a man wearing 1930's style clothing, whose identity and reasons for haunting the location remain unknown. Additional research for this allegedly haunted location is currently in progress.
Location Address: Magna, Utah
Cypus High School in Magna, Utah was constructed in 1918. The school's auditorium is said to be haunted by the ghost of a man wearing 1930's style clothing, whose identity and reasons for haunting the location remain unknown. Additional research for this allegedly haunted location is currently in progress.
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Old Webster Elementary School
Location Address: Magna, Utah
Locals report hearing the disembodied sounds of children's voices at the site of the old Webster Elementary School in Magna, Utah. The school was torn down in 2004. Additional research for this allegedly haunted location is currently in progress.
Location Address: Magna, Utah
Locals report hearing the disembodied sounds of children's voices at the site of the old Webster Elementary School in Magna, Utah. The school was torn down in 2004. Additional research for this allegedly haunted location is currently in progress.
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Pleasant Green Cemetery
"Magna Cemetery"
Location Address: Magna, Utah
Research for this allegedly haunted location is currently in progress.
Location Address: Magna, Utah
Research for this allegedly haunted location is currently in progress.
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Leave a comment or submit your own ghost stories, pictures, and videos below!! Please read this User Submission Disclaimer before posting, and be sure to also read this SAFETY AND LEGAL DISCLAIMER before visiting any allegedly haunted location.